Sunday, 1 December 2013

The Notebook (2004)


The opening sequence for this film suggests that it is Romance Drama, this is suggested through the type of music and the simplicity of the opening through the only black and red tints, the red also connotes love, which also reinforces that this is a romance film.


The narrative of the film opening suggests that this film is about a long journey, this is shown through the rowing boat taking up all of the opening scene. We then see a large house and an old woman, suggesting that this film has something to do with her.


The characters in this film isn't clearly established. However, the first figure in the film suggests to the audience that this is the main character, a protagonist. This is also shown through how the camera is always following him until he reaches the large house. Then a woman appears on the screen, this connotes that she is the main female lead; a protagonist also.


The film opening gives off the atmosphere of being enchanting, yet mysterious and slightly saddening. This is due to the slow paced editing and transition through the opening.


The main theme in the opening of The Notebook is that of mystery, this film gives off a mysterious feel which causes the audience to ask questions, such as 'Who is the person rowing the boat?'. This mystery should bring a sense of tension, this is then broken when the old lady is told to get ready for bed, this asks further questions to why she has to be told.


The setting of this film is in the modern day, however the film flashes back to the 1940's/1950's this is shown through the clothing they're wearing. This film is also set in South Carolina, this is shown through the dialect and accent.


There is nondiagetic music in the background that creates a relaxing sensation, this is played throughout the films opening, although it is broken for a while when a person, who looks like a nurse, tells the old woman 'Excuse me, come on honey, lets get you to bed.' this said with a soft, and soothing tone.


The titles in this film opening is very small in comparison to the images. These titles are always to the side of the image, making sure not to cover up the person rowing. This is an exception however for the director, who's name appears in the middle of the screen at the end. The titles are also written in a font of which are seen in letters.

The Notebook:

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