The genre of this film is clearly a Romantic War Drama. I know this because the film opening distinguishes both woman and man as protagonist. as well as the fact that the first scene is a shot of the male protagonist being injured, which then turns into a shot of him on a beach watching, and talking to a girl.Narrative:
The narrative of this film seems to be that an American soldier is wounded in combat, this is shown in the first clip, as he's talking about himself blacking out. This then sends him home and he meets a girl while he is recovering.Character:
John Tyree, played by Channing Tatum, is the first character to be shown, and is the first to talk, this helps the audience distinguish that this film is based around him, therefore making him the main character. A second main character is also distinguished. Played by Amanda Seyfried, the character Savannah Curtis is the second character to be introduced.Atmosphere:
The atmosphere of the film starts off serious. This is due to there being nothing on the screens, whilst listening to the soldier, later then identified by the audience on the floor, talking about his life. Theatmosphere then changes into a lighter, more happier one. This suggests that this is the place where he is the most happiest. This is also shown through the slow cuts throughout the whole opening.
The themes that run throughout this opening is the theme of love and war. The theme of love is clearly shown through the fact that he jumped off a pier to get the woman's bag from the sea and that she offers him to go back to hers. The theme of war is also apparent, this is due to the opening scene being of him injured, about to black out.Setting:
The setting of the film is in a seaside town, in America. This is shown through the fact that there is a pier and a beach. The fact that it is in America is shown through the fact they're speaking in an American accent.Sound:
The non-diegetic music starts off slow, with guns being shot in the background, this gives the sense of uncertainty of what is about to happen, the next thing the audience hear is a monologue, of the man they can see on the floor injured. This man talks about his childhood hobby of being a coin collector which juxtaposes with the reality of him having 'two holes' in him, due to him being shot. The sounds then rapidly changes to an upbeat music, this music is slightly more fast-paced. This makes the audience feel happier.Titles:
The titles of the film is written in a letter format. This suggests that this film includes the main protagonist, John Tyree, goes away a lot and they have to write to stay in contact.Dear John:
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