Wednesday 1 January 2014

Reservoir Dogs Remake

My group, made of Peter Godwin and Ryan Chapman, and I have decided to do a remake because it will us gain more knowledge when it comes to acquiring the correct shot length, shot type and the order of each title that should appear on the screen.

Shot list

Black screen,
with directorial title blinking on screen
 10 seconds
Tracking longshot of protagonists
with actors name
   8 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist,
with actors name
   5 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist,
with actors name
   4 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist,
with actors name
   3 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist,
with actors name
   4 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist,
with actors name
   3 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist
with actors name
   3 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist,
with actors name
   5 seconds
Mid-shot of a single protagonist,
with actors name
   5 seconds
Long shot of actors walking away from camera
    5 seconds until main title is introduced, another 6 until it fades and another 4 for the shot to end and turn to black
 15 seconds

3 actors names and 1 and the voice of’ credit scrolling up on the left (7 seconds)

Casting agent (5 seconds)

Music supervisor (5 seconds)

Costume designer (4 seconds)

Editor (3 seconds)

Production designer (5 seconds)

Director of photography (4 seconds)

Co-producer (4 seconds)

Executive producers (5 seconds)

Produced by (4 seconds)

(1min 48sec in total)


Location: normal street, to symbolise the gritty mood and tone that is established in the rest of the narrative.

By doing this shot list will help our group know how long each shot will have to be and what will appear on the screen and when.

Story Board


This is our remake.

 This is the real Reservoir Dogs (1992)

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